Selling Issues March 2, 2023

Want to Sell?


Thinking of Selling?  Do you know what buyers are really thinking?  A buyer is only interested in looking at your home if he knows what’s in it for him.  Your goal is to sell your home.  At a higher price.  In less time.  For the highest return possible.  So how do you do that?

And all budgets are not the same.  Budgets vary based on the condition of the home and the selling price.  Take a realistic approach and look at what should be done for the highest return.

The good news is – you control 3 of the critical factors that determine how quickly the property sells and for how much.

The price.  Pricing is critical.

The ease of viewing the property. Buyers are busy.  Are the times available convenient and flexible?

The condition.  The condition of the property will determine the right asking price.

Quick tip – Buyers see repairs as a major deduct off the purchase price and tend to overestimate the cost to repair or upgrade.  If you choose not to do the repairs, have two contractors’ estimates prepared for the repairs and/or upgrades, have them readily available for the buyer’s review.