Preparing for Showings

Show Ready … Preparing Your House 

 Selling a home can be one of the most stressful times in a person’s life.  And keeping your home in tip top condition while you’re living in it is challenging to say the least.

Act One … Curtains Up 

When you are selling your home, you must always be ready for curtain call.  There will be occasions when you’ll wish you had that extra time, but it may not always be possible.

Act Two … Show Ready

Here is a helpful daily ‘to do’ list (to keep you on track).

Use baskets, containers for last minute clutter, mail, magazines, toys

Leave the lights on

Open window coverings for daytime showings

No air fresheners please, try order eliminators like all natural Gonzo

Clean up kitchen and bathroom sinks

Make up beds

Put toilet seats down

Pick up laundry, bath towels, put into a hamper with lids

Adjust house temperature to 70 degrees, winter / summer

Play soft music in the background

Remove ALL valuables or any small items

Place property brochures in a conspicuous place

Pets?  The number 1 turn-off – odors. 

Shampoo carpets, furniture, throw rugs; Wash bedding (if your pet keeps you company).

Finale … SOLD!