Top 10 Selling Tips

How to speed up the sale.  10 things you can do to help sell your house and avoid costly mistakes.

 Simple actions can sometimes have dramatic results.

1)  Be honest with your agent. How motivated are you?  Motivation is what is your bottom line.  An agent works for you and the more they understand your objectives, the better job they can do for you.

2) Price your home to sell vs the competition.  Yes, you’re the boss, you dictate the asking price.  Carefully review the homes that have sold similar to yours and those currently on the market.  Where you decide to position your house on the market will depend a lot on your motivation to sell.

3) Prepare your home for photos.  That means you may need some good staging advice.  The way we live in a home is different that the way we sell a house.  And don’t underestimate your exterior.  It could be the difference between “honey stop the car” or “keep driving”.

4) Insist on professional looking photos.  Check the information for the MLS.  Why is this SO important?  Buyers make decisions online within seconds.  Either your home is a consideration – or they move on.

5) Set reasonable terms.  Everyone wants the best possible deal and negotiating is all part of the process.  Put ego’s aside, concede on unimportant issues so you can stand your ground on the important ones.  The goal is to get to the closing table.

6) Make it easy to show the property.  Flexibility is key – especially with cash buys.  Yes, selling can be stressful!

7) Make obvious repairs.  Small repairs left unaddressed will raise questions with the buyers as to what big issues may be lurking.  And it will definitely reflect in the price the property sells for.

8) Contact (have your agent) the title company.  Some problems that could come up prior to closing;  mortgage is paid-off but still showing a lien. A mechanics lien that was filed may require some time to resolve, a tax lien even longer.

9) If things don’t go right …. be prepared.  Stay flexible.

10) Yes, you’re the boss.  You do have a say so in many of the most important factors that affect a successful sale.  My job is to look after your best interests.  And I will.  I’ll advise you so you can make the decisions that are the best for you.