FREE Home Staging Service

Free Staging Service!

We offer a FREE STAGING CONSULTATION for every house we list because we know that a staged home sells quicker and for more money.  Together we will go through your home, one room at a time, and develop a plan that will highlight your homes’ best features, always considering budgets and return on investment.  It’s amazing what we can do in a short time.

Featured in the international magazine, Cottages & Bungalows in 2010, as  “The Real-Estate Stagers”.   (We are certified, professionally trained home stagers  (as well as licensed Realtors®).   We really do know how to ‘romance the buyer’.  

Our cost-savings approach funnels staging efforts to play up assets and play down flaws to create an inviting space.  A property needs to put its best foot forward for a faster sale and increased profits.  When buyers actually envision living in a home, the price becomes far less of a factor.

Quick Tip:  Buyers see repairs as a major deduct off the purchase price and tend to overestimate the cost to repair or upgrade.  If you choose not to do the repairs, have two contractors’ estimates prepared for repairs and/or upgrades and have them readily available for the buyer’s review.