A Commitment to Clarity & Support Throughout Your Real Estate Probate Process

The combined complexities of your estate executors duties and dealing with your emotional loss of a family member or friend can leave you feeling exhausted and overwhelmed.

As a certified probate real estate specialist, I’m committed to give you a clear picture of all your options so that you feel you are making the best decisions every step of the way when selling a probate property.

Barbara Boucher

Certified Probate Real Estate Specialist


Real Estate Probate is Difficult – I Can Help

From start to finish, I support you and your efforts through consistent quality communication and actions that decrease your overall workload. When you need help with your property, I take care of providing you with and scheduling the industry’s best professionals who not only are the best at their craft, but are compassionate and caring people.

Having helped many executors like yourself, I understand that managing the details of an estate for a family member or friend who has passed on can be a challenging responsibility.

From the initial filing paperwork until the real estate is sold and you are ready to settle the estate, my goal is to support, guide, and provide you a clear picture of all your options so that you feel you are making the best decisions as a probate estate executor.

Between the uncertainties of the probate process and the mind still processing your loss, critical details can be overlooked and mistakes can be made.

One of the best ways to get educated is by getting a copy of my free ebook called the 7 BIG Mistakes Most Executors Make While Going Through Probate… Learn what they are AND how to avoid them in less than 10 minutes.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please be aware that the information on this page is delivered without warranty or guarantee of accuracy. It’s provided to help you learn more and formulate specific questions to discuss with your attorney and/or your Real Estate Professional and/or to help a personal representative, executor or executrix when executing their challenging responsibilities. By accessing this page, you acknowledge that it has been provided for information only and that you are hereby advised that any decisions regarding probate issues should be discussed with an attorney and/or a Real Estate Professional.